The culture here at Peddie is rich, ranging from important school events like Blair Day to smaller aspects such as the Instagram accounts. From sports highlights to a banana cam, Peddie’s Instagram accounts come in a diverse assortment that never fails to bring a smile onto student’s faces.
To begin the line-up, we have the official Peddie accounts, including @peddieschool @peddieathletics and @peddieadmission. They provide constant updates and announcements about exciting events at Peddie. Next are the infamous comedy accounts, including @peddie_bananacam and @peddie_crushes_. Students are able to send in pictures of Falcons eating a delicious banana, confessing to their true love, or doing other fun activities on these anonymous student-run accounts. Finally, there are also accounts for various clubs, arts sections, sports teams and other groups.
“I think [the comedy accounts] are a bit unserious,” said Olivia Ahn ’27, “But they promote showing our school’s creativity.”
From funny to formal, the Peddie Instagram accounts are always there to brighten up someone’s day. They’re a great way for all Falcons to connect with Peddie spirit and culture, including current students, parents and alumni.