Candidate Statement:
Why do I want to be Co-Pres? Well to put it simply, I want to repay the good fortune this place has given back to all of you. My experience at Peddie has been nothing short of life changing. This place has brought me so much in terms of helping me create a future for myself, as well as helping me discover more and more about myself everyday. However, that help didn’t come from the hundreds of homework assignments that have dominated my schedule over the last few years, but instead, it came from the wonderful community that has always been here along the way. All of you guys, whether you know it or not, have helped somebody in this room find value in their Peddie experience. Hell, so many of you have done the same for me, and I could tell stories about it for hours. But its because of that support, that I want to try and pay that sense of community and compassion forward. In the end, my goals are all related to trying to connect more and more of this community together. Not only building up a stronger voice for our needs, but also establishing a stronger, and more supportive student body for future grades to come in and enjoy. Now, I can’t promise anything when it comes to what the future has planned for us, but what I can promise is this: I will continue to give everything I have to make sure that this community continues to grow in strength and compassion as we move forward. We’re all in this together.
Thank you and Ala Viva!
Governing student council and the school will take a good portion of your time, what other activities both in and out of school do you plan on participating in? How will you balance them?
Well, the good thing about theater is that it allows for you to have some days off in your schedule. I believe that this, combined with having a free block is a good way of balancing my duties as a student, actor, and leader on campus.
What qualities do you possess that makes you a good role model and representative that will allow you to be a leader of the entire school?
I think some qualities I have that allow me to be a good leader is that I’m communicative, empathetic, and most of all fair. I will gladly listen to the student body, and voice the concerns of the student body to whoever needs to hear it without a second thought, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try to advocate and embody certain school policies whenever necessary.
What ideas do you have for change and how would you implement these ideas? What would you like to continue?
I think student government’s purpose can be refined. Not just what student government does, but also trying to get more public opinion involved with our decision making could allow for a more involvement and cohesion from our student body. This can be from surveys, interviews, peer review groups, or whatever else can allow for more involvement from the student body. Another idea that I’d like to try and implement is that of peer support groups. Not only could this be great for getting to know your peers better, but it allows for students to have that level of support away from adults. This could be implemented through testing phases. Using certain timeslots, or even a DEI day to test the feasibility and success of the idea.
What are some clubs, activities, teams, or groups that you’re a part of on campus?
We got Peddie Theater, STUCO, and both the Bon Appetit club as well as MUN
What is your favorite Peddie tradition/Peddie memory?
My favorite Peddie Memory of all time was my first Head’s Day where of course Green took away the victory
Favorite book/movie/TV show?
Favorite TV shows right now are The Bear and Suits.
What song/songs have you been listening to most right now?
I’ve been listening to a lot of Tame Impala
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I’ve been a guitar player for more than half of my life.