Hey everyone! My name is Luke and I am running for co-president. I think the role of a co-president should be to actively engage with the student body and to actually do the necessary work behind the scenes to make sure everyone’s year goes smoothly. I would be super excited to represent you all next year and promise to give you my best effort. Thank you!
Governing student council and the school will take a good portion of your time, what other activities both in and out of school do you plan on participating in? How will you balance them?
Time management is definitely a crucial part of being an effective co-president, so I think working intentionally and efficiently is super important. Running track and serving as a leader for Amphion and the Peddie News have all taught me how to budget my time across a variety of activities. I think these experiences would also definitely help me manage all of the responsibilities that come with being a co-president.
What qualities do you possess that makes you a good role model and representative that will allow you to be a leader of the entire school?
I try my best to be someone that other people can trust and rely on when it comes to having open conversations about school, sports, or anything in between. I think building that trust and that sense of accountability is super important along with simply listening to others and making sure that their voices are heard.
What ideas do you have for change and how would you implement these ideas? What would you like to continue?
I think implementing a completely student-run panel at the end of every spring would be a really cool and realistic way for younger students to learn more about the pre-collegiate process. Whether you may be interested in getting recruited for a sport or improving your essays, I think this panel could be helpful to a lot of people who just want to learn more about their next step after Peddie. By filling the panel with current seniors who have already gone through the process and making sure that the panel is not supervised by adults, my hope is that younger Peddie students will be able to ask honest questions and get the answers they need in a casual and relaxed setting. I hope this, along with the continuation of Blair Day, prom, seasonal dances, and Heads Day will provide you all with lots of opportunities to ask questions and have a good time. Thanks for reading!
Q & A:
What are some clubs, activities, teams, or groups that you’re a part of on campus?
As someone who really loves writing, I am involved as an editor-in-chief for both the Peddie News and our school art magazine Amphion. I was also on student council this past year which was a lot of fun and definitely taught me a lot. I also run track and love hanging out with my teammates 🙂
What is your favorite Peddie tradition/Peddie memory?
I would probably say my favorite Peddie memories are those spent with teammates at track meets like Penn Relays, States and MAPLs because of the sense of camaraderie and competition that they foster.
Favorite book/movie/TV show?
I love Ted Lasso (especially the first season) just because of how positive it is and how relatable so many of the characters are.
What song/songs have you been listening to most right now?
Free Mind by Tems
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I’m a pretty big sneakerhead and my favorite shoes are Jordan 3s!